Thylacine dreaming: movement in the shadows

Creek side, Mt Field. Photo by Geoff Wilmshurst

A small pool still and peaceful in the quiet glade

Smooth rocks around the edge still moist from the morning rain

The cool dark water reflecting the sounds of the bush

Time standing still in a corner of the world forgotten

Shadows move around silently amongst the ferns

The smell of moss and rotting vegetation pungent in the still air

The ancient pines standing tall as guardians of this world

The giant timbers keeping the secrets of the forest safe

Movement in the shadows

Dark stripes blending in to the shadows

Black - ice cold eyes watching from dark hollows

Muscles taut and strong

Movement limited but waiting

The tiger is on the prowl

Waiting and hunting in his Jurassic world

The smell of fear is heavy in the air

A small grey wallaby trying to blend into the grasses

Hoping he has not been seen

Hiding in the fallen debris of the bush

The master of his world the thylacine is hunting

Death in the darkness

Deep in the ancient forests

Life and death in a secret place

The birds above are quiet in anticipation

the thylacine below moves with stealth

The soft pad of paws silent in the rotting leaves

The forest floor soft and warm

Movement in the fronds ahead

Life and death in a heartbeat

Then in the blink of an eye the hunt is finished

Silence rings out and life returns to the ancient forest

Trees covered in lush mosses of green hues

Watching the ancient cycle of life

Enveloped in the death grip of rampant camouflaged creepers

Massive trees grow and fall in their time

Shattered remnants of dead giants litter the forest floor

Returning to the soil to return again

Reaching to the sky

The gentle sound of falling water echoes

Hidden faces in the shadows

In the still pool reflections of history

Ancient memories and long held secrets

In the primeval forest life goes on

Different time - different pace

Sounds of silence in the moist green world

Glow worms with their ethereal lights awaken

casting a calming hue around under the crowded tree ferns

the green and brown curtains of an ancient world

Ancient trees and thick bushes close in

Shielding fragile life from the outside world

Thylacine dreaming still

Life in the shadows

Hidden from man

Goes on

Dr Geoff Wilmshurst spent 40 years as a professional teacher in disability education. He now spends his time travelling , writing and painting, and enjoying life with his wife Lorraine. He lives in the Blue Mountains in NSW, and finds inspiration for his work in its environment and that of similar places such as Tasmania and New Zealand. He hopes through art and poetry to connect with others, to make a positive difference in their lives, and to share the experience of what it means to be human and part of the natural world.

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