Remembering Mary
We think back to Mary Bassett, born in 1835, another in a bother of sons and daughters for a Cornish family ...
After a teaching career in Hobart, Canberra and Sydney, during which she wrote two books about teaching, Penny Lane turned to writing short stories and more recently poetry, and has won several awards for both stories and poems. She was a finalist in the 2017 Newcastle Poetry Prize, won first and third prizes in the free verse section of the 2019-20 Sutherland Shire Literary Competition, and won the 2023 Cloncurry Prize. She has published a Kindle e-book, Winning Writing: What Works For Me, about her short story writing.
After a teaching career in Hobart, Canberra and Sydney, during which she wrote two books about teaching, Penny Lane turned to writing short stories and more recently poetry, and has won several awards for both stories and poems. She was a finalist in the 2017 Newcastle Poetry Prize, won first and third prizes in the free verse section of the 2019-20 Sutherland Shire Literary Competition, and won the 2023 Cloncurry Prize. She has published a Kindle e-book, Winning Writing: What Works For Me, about her short story writing.