From Kupang to Van Diemen’s Land, the sea is never far away
The sea and the mountain are never far from sight ...
Mark Heyward is a Tasmanian author and educator. Born in Hobart in 1957, he spent his first thirty years in Tasmania, the second thirty years in Indonesia – and now divides his time between the two. Mark holds a PhD, based on research into intercultural literacy, plus masters, bachelors and diploma in education from the University of Tasmania. In his spare time, he writes, makes music, and takes long walks in the hills.
Mark Heyward is a Tasmanian author and educator. Born in Hobart in 1957, he spent his first thirty years in Tasmania, the second thirty years in Indonesia – and now divides his time between the two. Mark holds a PhD, based on research into intercultural literacy, plus masters, bachelors and diploma in education from the University of Tasmania. In his spare time, he writes, makes music, and takes long walks in the hills.