Thursday 7th September 2023 at 7pm
Moonah Arts Centre
23-27 Albert Rd, Moonah Tasmania 7009
Tickets available at
Join us for an evening of stunning images, stories, live and recorded music inspired by Southwest Tasmania. Amid the spectacular images, hear about "A piano's wilderness odyssey"; Nigel Westlake's "Spirit of the wild", live music by Greg Wells, and more. This repeat performance is an opportunity for those who missed out the first time round.
Presented by Friends of Melaleuca, a Wildcare volunteer group, this fundraising event will assist with the care of Melaleuca and surrounds.
Where we work
Melaleuca is an area of both natural and cultural interest within the South West Conservation Area, in far south west Tasmania. There are no roads, and access is by light aircraft, boat or on foot.
In January 2009 Melaleuca was permanently registered on the Tasmanian Heritage Register. The listed site includes the homestead, garden and outbuildings of tin miner and resident, the late Deny King (1909 – 1991); as well as the bushwalkers huts, bird observatory, representative sample of tin mine, mooring and channel markers.
What we do
Our group aims to assist with reserve management to protect the natural values and cultural heritage of Melaleuca, while retaining the essential spirit of the place.
We undertake practical projects involving general maintenance work on heritage listed buildings and relics of past tin mining activity, as well as Parks and Wildlife Service structures, tracks drainage and so on.