Quod video

Jack Hughes (Year 10) 
Inspiration artwork: Yaadon Ka Dher (Bundle of Memories)Alia Haider (2021) 

Around me, I see family, friends, teachers and pets

I see thin walls covered with musty old wallpapers that make up my home

I see us all in prayer for peace, love and happiness around the earth

I feel my metallic pocketwatch with its sharp edges, making holes in my pockets

I feel the warm embrace of my brother after we hear the upsetting news

I feel the sadness in my heart as I see the reality of this world unfolding

Around me, I see family, pets and the last of my very best friends

I see the thin walls that are spotted with holes that smell of lead

I see us all in prayer for ending, of these trials and tribulations

I feel metal in my pocket but lost my pocket watch a while ago

I feel the warm embrace of my brother, as tight as he can do

I feel fear enter my mind as I see the truth of humans reveal

Around me, I see my family and I wish I could see my pets

I no longer see the thin walls that had made up my thin house

I no longer see us pray, we only look down to not make trouble

I felt the metal in my pocket my pocketwatch, nowhere to be found

I longed to feel a warm embrace but the only cold came from my brother

I feel comfort in my suitcase as I see the truth of what the past used to have for me

The Art2Words Writing Prize is an annual writing competition at The Friends’ School. Read the full list of short-listed and winning entries here

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